The Differences Between Active and Passive Candidates and Why You Should Care

The Differences Between Active and Passive Candidates and Why You Should Care

There are two main types of candidates in the job market: active and passive. Here we’ll examine what separates active and passive candidates and the pros and cons of each.

Active Candidates

An active candidate is someone actively (with vigor and enthusiasm) looking for a new position – they are likely sending out resumes and talking to every company that could have an opportunity that fits their career goals. They’re invested in their search and will move quickly through interviews and to a new job.

Passive Candidates

A passive candidate is successfully employed, usually with one of your competitors. They aren’t looking for a new job but could be open to a change for the right level of career opportunity.

How They Differ in the Hiring Process

An active candidate will be responsive to your call, if you have the right kind of opportunity. They are compliant with your hiring process and will be someone who gladly jumps through hoops to be considered for a role with your company. Multiple interviews and lots of assessments are no issue for the active candidate – they have the time and the interest that makes them easy to work with and to hire if they are the best match for your company.

A passive candidate is working, most likely in a time demanding role in an engaging position that requires their full focus and effort to achieve daily success, and often with a direct competitor. They are likely well regarded within their work place and generally well paid and rewarded for their contribution.

The passive candidate will not be compliant with your hiring process. They don’t have to be. The way you engage them, interview them and ultimately hope to bring them to accept an offer is completely different than the active candidate. Be prepared. They must be sold through a thoughtful employment proposition and a well-crafted employment and market brand. You’ll have to attract a passive candidate and persuade them to have a conversation about a potential career opportunity.

Which Is Better?

There’s a place for both candidates in every organization. The level of position and talent access will determine which candidate type best matches which role. Passive candidates are best for a position that involves a high-level of skill, specific experience, and a well-known industry reputation. the passive candidate comes pre-vetted by a reliable source, especially when they work for a respected competitor, and so won’t require a vigorous screening process to validate their value and fit.

Because you want the best talent working for your company, and you can’t always count on the best talent finding you may have to go out and find them. Develop a plan for attracting people who are not actively looking, build your company brand as a great place to work and to grow, treat these people like you would a valued client. You’ll have much greater success hiring the right people for these hard to hire positions.

Are you looking for top talent in insurance, accounting or banking?

Contact us to learn more about how we can streamline your hiring process and get you the talent you need to succeed. Our focus on developing strong relationships and long-term partnerships in our specialized practice areas is the advantage that keeps our clients in the top positions as industry leaders.

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