Surprising Stats About Employee Engagement

Surprising Stats About Employee Engagement

In an era where young professionals care more about company culture than money, employee engagement is more important than it has ever been. Having productive, happy employees is essential in a tight labor market. When you find exceptional talent, you want them to stay. These statistics about employee engagement may surprise you.

70% of U.S. Employees are Not Engaged at Work

The majority of American works don’t feel like they have a job that engages them. In fact, the number one reason people in the U.S. look for a new job is because they are bored. Professionals today are looking for exciting challenges and opportunities to learn new skills and step outside their comfort zone. Many companies don’t give their employees enough autonomy or enough opportunities for career development, which leads them to seek out new challenges at different companies.

Most Employers Still Believe Employees Leave Because of Money

There is a good reason why many companies fail to prioritize employee engagement. They still think their employees are predominantly motivated by money. 89% of employers believe that when one of their employees quit, they leave because they found a new job that pays more. In truth, studies have shown that 33% of employees who quit their job leave because they’re bored. Only 19% leave for a higher salary.

Leadership and Engagement Go Hand-in-Hand

75% of people who quit their job cite their boss as a deciding factor. Poor leadership affects employee engagement. Often when an employee dislikes their boss, it is because they don’t feel their manager cares about their success. Bad leaders don’t give their employees enough support, challenge, or independence, which leads them to feel like their career is stagnating. As soon as they feel like their career isn’t going anywhere, they’re going to start searching for a better opportunity.

Most Companies Don’t Have a Strategy to Increase Engagement

Reports indicate that 90% of leaders think that having an employee engagement strategy would help their company perform better, yet only 25% of leaders actually have an engagement strategy in place. This suggests that many leaders understand that engagement matters, yet many of them aren’t sure how to create and implement a meaningful plan. Meanwhile, studies have shown that weekly feedback, autonomy, and skill training all help improve engagement.

Employee engagement is an essential quality to have if you want your company to succeed. With the employment market as competitive as it is, you need to attract top talent and keep them engaged. If they aren’t engaged, they are much more likely to consider other opportunities.

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