Are You Seeing Maximum Effort from Your Team?

Are You Seeing Maximum Effort from Your Team?

Even though you screen carefully during the hiring process to hire the very best, it can still be difficult to predict the success of the person you hire. And that challenge never stops with a team. People bring many experiences to their position. You don’t know what is happening in their personal lives. One of the biggest parts of managing a team is keeping the team motivated and productive. Some things are out of your control, but there are things you can do to support your people to be their best while they are at work. Here are some tips tips to get maximum effort from your team.

Get More Feedback

Work environments can have a huge effect on employee’s productivity. Everything from the lighting to the temperature can make a difference. As employers, you often make changes to the workplace to improve its effectiveness. Before you make a change, you should ask for feedback from your team. This will make it easier for you to create a workplace that maximizes productivity. It will also make your people feel more involved in the decision-making, which shows them that they are valued.

Be Authentic

Trust is one of the most important requirements for a productive workplace. Leaders often feel like they need to put on a façade of strength. Everyone has ideas about how a leader should behave, yet those ideas aren’t necessarily consistent with your individual personality. Employees can tell if you’re insincere. They will trust and respect you more if you embody your authentic self. It also gives people permission to be themselves, which increases engagement.

Set Clear Expectations

Most employees aren’t intentionally unproductive. In most cases, the expectations simply aren’t clear so they may not see that what they are doing is the wrong thing. If you want the right results, you should set clear goals and communicate those goals to your team. Once goals are set, you simply need to follow up periodically to evaluate progress. You will find that your team will more consistently meet your expectations when they know exactly what you want.

Allow People to Take Risks

People won’t find new solutions to problems if they stay on the same old path. Yet, most don’t feel comfortable innovating because there is risk involved in departing from the norm. We don’t improve without risking failure. Most people are afraid to take risks because they’re worried about being failing and then being punished. Encouraging risk and accepting failure can make all the difference when it comes to individual learning and team innovation.

Creating an efficient, driven team is one of your most important objectives as a leader. It is up to you when you lead others to encourage input and foster an environment that invites authentic individuality and to help people to achieve clear goals by taking risks that lead to growth, for them and for the team.

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