How Recruiting Firms Aid in Successful Talent Acquisition

How Recruiting Firms Aid in Successful Talent Acquisition

HR departments and Talent Acquisition teams are the most important part of your plan for hiring well within your organization.  As you develop your hiring plan for the coming year, the central component of a successful plan is how these key people will address long term hiring goals, talent shortages and unexpected turn over.

The final piece of an effective plan should include outside Recruiting firms to assure access to key passive talent.  Here’s how a Recruiting firm can aid a successful Talent Acquisition plan in your organization:

  1. Access the Top Talent

Every Hiring Manager wants to have and retain top talent within their company and market. It gives your company a respectable reputation, you’re considered a top competitor, and it gives you access to bigger and better clients. By partnering with search firms, your company can tap into the top talent, passive market and be able to attract them to your organization. Recruiters improve the quality of hire; particularly ones who specialize in your industry. The majority of companies rely on postings to hiring sites such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, or Glassdoor. Relying on those portals won’t always result in the best candidates; people who are currently happy in their position won’t be actively applying.

  1. We Help Aid Your Hiring Process

Recruiters seem to have a stigma around them that implies they want to come into a company and bulldoze the internal recruiting and HR team. This isn’t the reality. A Recruiter’s main goal is to help aid the hiring process. Recruiters have a lot of tools and resources that they use to access hundreds of candidates that could potentially be a good fit or even be interested in having a conversation. Furthermore, HR doesn’t always have the time or space to spend hours calling or recruiting candidates to see if they can be a potential fit. Recruiters do.

  1. You Need to be a “Good Neighbor”

Companies who are competitors to one another have a common courtesy to be “good neighbors” and not directly recruit out of each other’s organizations. Having a third party in between companies helps eliminate that gray area of being viewed as obtrusive. We help find the candidates you don’t have access to, especially with your direct competitors, and we can help guide the transition to be smooth. Most the time companies feel like they’ve exhausted all of their resources and their only option is to go to competitors. If you feel this way, talk to a search firm and let them take care of it.

If your company wants to be a top competitor in the market, think about partnering up with an outside search firm; especially one that specializes in your industry. They access top talent, help you in times of hardship and can help you stay ethical in the market. They do the dirty work, and help your company succeed in ways that you’re looking for. Recruiting agencies have had negative connotations around them, but don’t let that scare you, the market is changing and they’re there to help.