Top Tricks to Interviewing in a Digital World

Top Tricks to Interviewing in a Digital World

Today your career search will be mostly conducted online. While this provides a level of convenience to aggregate your time spent identifying the right opportunities, the process now includes new technology features and unexpected factors for both the application and interview process in a fully digital world.

You can access every type of opportunity in every locale from the comfort of your home office. Seeking remote or out-of-state roles or moving to a new position is now more attainable because of tech options that allow for a completely online process. Here are a few suggestions to help you navigate!


The Applicant Tracking System is not going to read your resume, but it will seek out keywords on your resume to match your background to the required specifics of a position. Know what those words are and make sure those words are on your resume.

If you come across an application portion to the process, be prepared to fill out all the information requested! If you fail to complete key areas, you may be ruled out from the start.

Pre-screening Assessment Digital Video prep

As you apply for jobs online – you may be asked to complete a prescreening digital ‘interview’. These interviews are designed to be completed via computer video, and sometimes phone.  This venue provides a specific group of questions to answer within an allotted time frame.

You’ll get a minute or two to read and fully contemplate a question, then another couple minutes to answer it while your video camera records you, OR if you’re completing a digital phone interview – your voice is recorded through the receiver.

Companies will normally give you a specific time frame to complete this prescreening process, which you complete on your own time.

What Kind of Questions you should Expect?
  • Tell me something interesting about you.
  • What about the position/company interested you enough to apply?
  • What is your background that makes you qualified for the position?
  • Tell us what has been your biggest accomplishment in the workplace?
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome in your past positions?

Here’s what Hiring Managers are looking for from you during a web interview

Hiring managers will be looking for the same characteristics via digital options as they do from direct interviews; a good first impression, preparation, professionalism and the ability to navigate the technical tools you will use, and of course- excellent communication and personal presence.

Video Conference Interviewing: Best Practices

A video conference interview is often scheduled via Zoom, Skype or GoTo Meeting or other video platforms. Be sure that you have appropriate internet access, and pre-install and test the tools to verify access prior to the meeting time.

Remember that video conferencing is not anonymous; dress professionally (at least from the desk up). Clear clutter from the area that will be in view. Make sure to be well prepared with your resume and have the related documents in front of you, and that you are in a quiet area.  Do have your prepped questions in front of you.

Final suggestions – make sure you are looking at the camera – no-one wants to interview the top of your head – they want to get to know the whole person!

These tips should help you be well prepared and ultimately more successful at using online tools and technology in your career search!