Team Spotlight: All about Brock Somers

Team Spotlight: All about Brock Somers

Brock Somers is the Insurance Recruiter Team Lead at SRA Newman Group. Here’s a profile to help you get to know him! 

“Everyone who meets Brock agrees that he was born to be an Executive Recruiter in the Insurance market,” says Peg Newman, Partner at SRA Newman Group. “His passion for the industry and the people in every interaction with Brock.  He’s happiest when he’s helping people build their insurance careers and building talented teams for his clients.”

1. Tell us a little bit about what brought you to Sanford Rose?

I had been working with an organization that had me traveling 50 weeks out of the year. I connected with a hiring manager in Utah and she pointed me in Peg’s direction. We met and immediately hit it off. I joined her team and have never looked back!

2. What’s your favorite part of your job?

There are three things I love about my job: my team – I love the people I work with every day, the candidates – their market is fascinating and I constantly get to meet new people, and the clients – helping to support their businesses brings me great pleasure.

3. What’s the best piece of career advice you ever received?

“Not everything works out perfectly. Know that, and be prepared to work around it.”

4.  If you could do anything, what would it be?

Skydiving has always been on my bucket list!

5. What inspires you most?

Seeing others take risks to enhance their situation – and the risks are paying off!

6. Who do you admire most? And what about them inspires you?

People who can affect change – in any setting. Anyone who can communicate in a way that others will listen and take action makes me want to learn from them.

7. Something you can share about yourself that will surprise people.

I once competed for a state championship in track and field – javelin to be specific.

8. What was your first job and what you learned?

I worked in a video store that my parents owned when I was 10. I learned that people will listen to no matter your age if your message is substantive enough.

9. Do you have a mantra? Favorite saying?

If you can’t love yourself, how are you gonna love somebody else?” – Rupaul. 

Focus on YOU, the rest will trickle into success.

Brock can be reached at 801.716.5920 or by emailing