Why Your Core Values Still Matter (And How Should You Use Them as You Manage Others)

Why Your Core Values Still Matter (And How Should You Use Them as You Manage Others)

The importance of company values in the public sphere commonly rise and fall in cycles. They’re a trendy topic one day and then no one thinks about them for long after. The truth is that the core values of your company matter every day. Without a clear understanding of your core values, you can’t define and identify people who share similar attitudes and values. This article will look at the importance of core values and explore different ways to use them as you manage your team.

Attract People Who Will Fit in with Your Company

If you can communicate your core values effectively, you are more likely to attract people who will thrive in the work environment you have created. You will draw people who are either on the same page as you or people who represent what your company strives to become. You want to share your core values with the people who you hire and foster those values in the work environment. The result is a team that works in harmony and can move together towards common goals.

Core Values Matter to Your Employees

Professionals today want to work in a position that gives them a sense of purpose. It can sometimes feel like employees aren’t interested in core values because they roll their eyes when an employer says things like “we want to inspire people.” The real problem is so many companies talk about values but don’t walk the talk. If you can attract people who share the values and goals of the company and can act on your values, you are more likely to hire employees that will be loyal to you. You will also have employees who are happier in their work.

Build Awards Around Your Core Values

Awards should be built around the core values that matter the most. The most important values are the ones that will have staying power. Lesser values will fade away. If you value teamwork, build awards around teamwork. People have an “aha” moment when they see team camaraderie develop over time. Employees will feel rewarded for living by their values, and they’ll feel rewarded for being able to work effectively in a team.

Recognize Values Can Evolve

You can’t be married to one set of values. What matters to you can change over time. If you reach a point where a certain value no longer has real meaning to you or your employees, let it go and find a value that does matter to you. From time to time, you must sit down with your team and ask what is important to the organization and to their clients. If you have a value that your employees and your customers do not respond to, it no longer serves a purpose. You want everyone to be on the same page.

While it can sometimes feel like company values don’t matter, the truth is they matter more than ever. Without them, you won’t attract or retain the kind of employees you need to succeed. You can use core values to foster a team who works well together to meet the company’s goals.

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