How to Solve Issues with Remote Employees

How to Solve Issues with Remote Employees

Advances in technology have now made it possible for more people to work from home. This allows for increased flexibility for employees and employers, it also comes with unique challenges. Here are some tips to solve issues with remote employees.


the biggest challenge is consistent communication. It’s easy to maintain communication with employees you see every day. You don’t have to worry about scheduling time to talk, forgetting a video chat, etc. Suggestion number one is to set up a regular communication schedule and stick to it. Remote workers report feeling disconnected and isolated. If this persists, it may lead to the employee quitting. Luckily, there are many apps and virtual communication platforms that make staying connected to remote employees easier. We recommend that you use a range of tools, including instant messaging, video chat, and email. It also helps to have regularly scheduled in-person meetings, even just once a month. Be sure your remote employees are included in all company social events. Being part of these will keep them connected to the company and their co-worker, and as a valued part of the team.


Scheduling can be a challenge, particularly for remote workers who live in different time zones. Their work hours will differ. If time zone differences make this impossible, record the meeting so the remote employees can still be involved in the meeting in some capacity. Moreover, you can’t monitor them the same way you can your in-office employees. Trust is essential to a successful remote employee relationship. You have to trust that they’re working when they say they are. You can use software that allows you to track actual time spent working. Some scheduling software will alert you if a remote employee is not on their system as expected.

Feedback and Assessment

managing performance is another are of challenge. Traditional performance assessment programs are generally designed for employees who work on-site. it is even more important that you track performance, provide consistent feedback, and monitor motivation levels. Remote employees often struggle to know what they’re doing well and what they need to improve on because they’re not interacting with coworkers and management face to face. Developing a set of daily or weekly expectations will give you a common conversation relating to performance effectiveness and will simplify your remote employee’s ability to self-direct.

Arguably the biggest challenge that comes with hiring remote employees is keeping them connected to the “mother ship” and making them feel like part of the team. Communicate frequently and provide a clear understanding of weekly expectations and related and timely feedback. Go the extra mile to involve remote employees in the professional and social aspects of the business is the best way to keep them engaged.

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